In this study the average travel time and speed plus delays are used to evaluate the overall performance of the network, which cannot be done using Capcal. Vissim has the ability to create and analyze complex traffic systems and to run a general network, in addition to studying specific situations. This is one of the results of a moving pattern in a large volume of pedestrians in Vissim. In spite of discharge time without pedestrians in Vissim, it is 5 min less than the Capcal discharge time. As it was mentioned in the purpose, the possible differences of Capcal and Vissim results are studied. The time of parking discharge, especially the western parking of the stadium, is directly affected by the time of pedestrians’ discharge. The obvious reason in implementing the traffic network is the presence of pedestrians in system. Finally, the results showed that the implementation of one traffic system is different during the final hour of the event. The purpose was to evaluate the traffic simulation because of the stadium spectators designed after a major sporting event, which used VISSIM simulation software, as well as comparing the possible differences and the results and evaluations with the Capcal software, and it does the traffic simulation with both types of software. Thus, considering this matter in designing the sidewalks to improve the level of pedestrians’ satisfaction and drawing them to walking, can improve the conditions of sidewalks.Įric Idrom and John Holman ( 2014), evaluated the traffic network using the simulation and analytical modeler examined the traffic caused by a special event at a planned football stadium in Falconberg. A group movement of people on sidewalks can have a significant impact on the pedestrian’s movement due to its different characteristics with pedestrians who are alone. The congestion and interference could be due to the presence and movement of social groups on sidewalk. Pedestrian satisfaction from the sidewalk is influenced by several factors such as the facilities of the sidewalk, physical conditions of the sidewalk, walking paths, pedestrian characteristics, and sidewalk congestion and interference. To reach a better understanding, a roundabout of Bojnord is taken for case study and the effective parameters of pedestrians such as pedestrians’ volume, the distance of pedestrians’ cross to roundabout, and the volume of vehicles are simulated in Aimsun Software, in order to identify the effect of each variables on roundabout entrance capacity be revealed. In this study, it was tried to analyze and determine the roundabout capacity without a traffic light and its effective factors, along with analyzing the pedestrian role on the capacity of roundabout entrance.

In the past, many studies have been conducted on roundabout capacity and the effective factors, but few of them have investigated the effects of pedestrian movement on the capacity of roundabout entrance.
Various parameters can affect this capacity, the most important of which is the rate of movement flow, the traffic flow rate of heavy vehicles, pedestrians, driver behavior in the roundabout, and its geometric characteristics (Anna, 2011 Hosseini, 2011). The capacity of roundabouts like other urban intersections is one of the key issues in their design. As a result, the precise design and engineering of these intersections have a great impact on improving their traffic performance. Nowadays, roundabouts are one of the most common types of intersections, which have grown enormously throughout the world, especially in Iran.

Walking has an essential role in the perception of spatial identity, the sense of belonging to the environment and the reception of environmental qualities (Mohammadi & shafabakhsh, 2015). Many researchers claim that walking is the most natural, oldest and the most necessary way of movement. Walking is the first mean of transportation for human.